You have no choice but to overturn the High Court ruling that stopped RAILA’s BBI reggae or else… Tiaty MP WILLIAM KAMKET now threatens Court of Appeal judges

 Tuesday, May 25, 2021 – Tiaty MP William Kamket has issued the most blatant and direct threat to the Judiciary over the High Court ruling that stopped the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

Speaking during a TV show yesterday, Kamket, who was appearing alongside prominent lawyer Danstan Omari, Uasin Gishu County Woman Representative Gladys Boss Shollei, and the Speaker of Nyeri County Assembly, Hon. John Kaguchia, shocked the nation when he discredited the 5 Judges that rendered BBI unconstitutional, null and void.

He stated that he found problems with the ruling of the five-judge bench of the High Court which ruled against the BBI process, and said that the Appellate Court had no option but to overturn the ruling.

And that was not all, Kamket went ahead to declare that it wasn’t a matter that was to be taken lightly, and that, as a matter of fact, the ruling had to be set aside through any means necessary.

 A shocked Gladys Shollei sought clarification on the statement, asking what exactly Kamket meant by that statement, and if perhaps he meant that they would do everything necessary but within the rule of law.

However, Kamket evaded giving a straight answer to Shollei but instead, doubled down on his previous remarks, asserting that all options on the table would be employed to ensure that a favourable ruling is made in the matter.

This comes even as Judge Daniel Musinga was appointed the president of the Court of Appeal following the elevation of Judge William Ouko to the Supreme Court.

Musinga is constituting the bench of the Appeals Court that is expected to deliberate on the appeal for the Constitutional Amendment Bill 2020 which was outlawed by the High Court.

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