You won’t believe what DP RUTO did immediately MPs, including his own, colluded to pass the controversial BBI Bill in Parliament and setting the stage for RAILA’s referendum


Saturday, May 8, 2021 – Just after Members of Parliament ignored him and passed the controversial Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Bill against his advice, Deputy President William Ruto retreated to strategize.

Ruto retreated to the home of one of his ardent supporters and Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika in Karen.

He met over 50 individuals, including a section of Mt Kenya politicians yesterday, to chart their way forward after their loss on BBI. 

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria stated that the politicians and experts from different sectors met to discuss economic revival, a subject the DP has been propagating since the pandemic broke out in the country. 

“I was the moderator at the meeting where we re-validated the Bottom-Up Economic Model after the Maasai Mara retreat,” Kuria disclosed. 

At Maasai Mara, Ruto was accompanied by economist David Ndii and Mt Kenya politicians. 

The group reportedly worked on developing a new economic model.

The Bottom-Up Economic model is aligned with Ruto’s hustler system which seeks to uplift the common citizens and provide them with an opportunity to have a say in government.

Kuria further refuted claims alleging that the DP met the MPs at Karen to deliberate the outcome of the BBI vote in at the National Assembly.

Multiple reports stated that Ruto strategized his plans after MPs allied to President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga passed the bill. 

235 MPs out of 320 voted for the bill, 83 against while two abstained. Most of the 83 lawmakers who rejected it were aligned to the DP. 

Some of his close allies notably, MPs Kimani Ngunjiri (Bahati), Feisal Badder (Msambweni), and nominated MP David Ole Sankok, voted for the bill. 

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