Appoint Judge ODUNGA and NGUGI ASAP or else… Chief Justice MARTHA KOOME now warns UHURU as she defends the six judges the president rejected

 Saturday, June 5, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta is now on his own after judges ganged up against him for rejecting some judges during his recent appointment and gazettement.

Led by Chief Justice Martha Koome, Judges cautioned President Uhuru Kenyatta against interfering with the Judiciary and disrespecting the rule of law. 

In a statement, Koome argued that she did not take part in the selection of the 34 judges and urged Uhuru to appoint the six who he left out and accused of having integrity issues.

The Judges include Weldon Korir, Aggrey Muchelule, Evans Kiago, Judith Omange, George Odunga, and Joel Ngugi – with the last two among the five judges who nullified the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI). 

“Many people have questioned my role in this process since I assumed office only two weeks ago.”

“ I wish to state that I had no part to play in this Constitutional process which was undertaken almost two years ago (2019 when former CJ David Maraga presented 41 judges to Uhuru).”

“Upon forwarding the names to H.E the President, the Chief Justice and the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) became functus officio (ceased to have any role).”

“We should find a lasting solution so that moving forward, this kind of delay and misunderstanding will be a thing of the past.”

“Respect for the rule of law and the independence of the Judiciary is guaranteed under the Constitution.”

“No person or authority is allowed to direct the JSC or the Judiciary in the execution of their mandate,” Koome warned that she would not be a pushover. 

The CJ further noted that Uhuru had twice delayed the appointment of judges, writing that in 2014, he appointed 11 out of 14 justices recommended to him. 

Koome issued the statement a few hours after she had attended the swearing-in of 34 judges at State House, Nairobi on Friday, June 4. 

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