Arrest UHURU and RAILA ODINGA for spreading COVID-19 in Kisumu – They are super-spreaders!

 Saturday, June 5, 2021 – A non-government organization in Kenya has called on the police to arrest President Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition leader Raila Odinga for flouting COVID -19 rules and spreading the deadly disease in Kisumu during the Madaraka Day Celebrations held in the lakeside county last week.

Kisumu and Siaya counties are currently the hotspots of the disease that originated in Wuhan, China last year.

 In a statement issued by Haki Africa Executive Director Hussein Khalid on Saturday, the organization demanded the government to arrest the two politicians for spreading COVID -19 in Kisumu.

Khalid said that the president allowed a large number of people to gather up despite the dangers of Covid-19.

His remarks have however sparked a lot of reactions from Kenyans who seemed to have different opinions and suggestions on the matter and on what should be done to avoid this kind of incident. 

With a section of Kenyans claiming that maybe this was the right thing to do, others called him out for wanting to undermine president Uhuru’s authority.

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