Bad day in office: A woman refuses to fall and fights a rogue preacher who was performing fake miracles (VIDEO).

 Wednesday, 30 June 2021 – A rogue preacher was left with an egg on his face after a woman turned against him when he was performing fake miracles in a village during a crusade.

In a viral video that has emerged online, the preacher is seen going around touching women’s foreheads, all in the name of performing miracles.

The brainwashed women had lined up expecting to receive miracles from the self-declared man of God.

However, things turned south after one of the women confronted the preacher when he tried to touch her forehead.

The cornered preacher tried to speak in tongues while chasing the defiant woman, claiming that she was possessed.

The no-nonsense woman lost her cool during the melee, prompting her to throw punches at the preacher.

The preacher’s PA quickly intervened before things turned ugly.

This should be a lesson to rogue preachers who are fond of fooling people through fake miracles.

Watch this dramatic video.

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