Clash of the titans as MIGUNA MIGUNA takes ORENGO head-on with embarrassing remarks for agreeing to fix UHURU and RAILA’s BBI mess

 Monday, June 7, 2021 – Exiled lawyer, Miguna Miguna, set the internet on fire with scathing remarks on Senior Counsel James Orengo after agreeing to help President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga fix their BBI mess after the High Court ruling.

Taking to his Twitter page, the firebrand lawyer attacked Orengo badly, calling him a hypocrite for agreeing with President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga to appeal the ruling that declared BBI unconstitutional, null and void.

The self-declared NRM general criticized Orengo’s representation of the BBI team in the impeachable offence for violating the constitution.

He called on Orengo to stop the ‘BBI fraud’ and act otherwise.

“LAW 101 When a court of competent jurisdictions rules that an illegitimate president like despot Uhuru Kenyatta has committed an impeachable offence and/or violated the Constitution, legislators like James Orengo whose jobs are to impeach him cannot represent him in court,” Miguna miguna wrote.

“Hypocritical legislators like Orengo & Company cannot hide under Conman Raila Odinga: both Raila and Kenyatta are one and the same in the #BBIFraud debacle.” Miguna miguna continued.

Uhuru is banking on Orengo’s legal prowess to overturn the BBI verdict.

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