Kenyans call on CJ MARTHA KOOME to defend the constitution after UHURU mutilated it on Thursday


Friday, June 4, 2021 – Kenyans across the political divide have asked Chief Justice Martha Koome to defend the constitution after President Uhuru Kenyatta mutilated it on Thursday.

In a blatant ignorance of the constitution and the rule of law, Uhuru elevated 34 judges to different courts in the Judiciary but left out six judges despite being approved by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

Legal experts have in unison agreed that the President broke the constitution since he had no powers to reject the six judges.

Following Uhuru’s legal blunder, Kenyans are now asking Koome to come out from her hideout and defend the constitution which she swore to uphold and protect.

Here are comments from some Kenyans.

Is Martha Koome a Puppet? We are About to Find out..,” Silva Wangeci

Dear Martha Koome, Kenyans are watching you waiting for you to act according to the constitution. Last hope for Kenya,’” Veronica Maina.

BURDEN of LEADERSHIP demands that chief Justice SPEAK UP, It is either this was done behind her back or she is an accomplice of the Executive. I have a feeling that we shall REGRET Martha KOOME,” Makau Muli.

Our eyes are fixed on the liberation warrior, the Prayer warrior, the Chief Justice and the President of the Supreme Court Justice MARTHA KOOME. This is a watershed moment in the history of our Judiciary and will define the LEGACY of CJ Koome. Over to you madam CJ !” Kipchumba Murkomen.

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