Lawyer CLIFF OMBETA officially joins RUTO ahead of 2022 elections and UDA ‘criminals’ are over the moon

 Wednesday, June 30, 2021 – Renowned city lawyer, Cliff Ombeta, has formally announced his plans to join Deputy President William Ruto and his UDA Party.

Speaking during an interview yesterday, Ombeta, who is a renowned criminal lawyer, said he will use the UDA party to contest for the Bonchari parliamentary seat in the 2022 General Election.

“I will vie for the Bonchari parliamentary seat in 2022 on a UDA ticket. 

“We are not wasting any time … we have started campaigning,” Ombeta said.

Ombeta’s declaration comes barely a month after the criminal lawyer threw his support behind the then UDA candidate, Teresa Bitutu, in the dramatic Bonchari by-elections.

He said he shelved his political ambitions in the May 18 by-election in favour of Teresa Bitutu, widow of late Bonchari MP John Oroo Oyioka, who was defeated by ODM candidate Pavel Oimeke.

Following the loss, Ombeta said it is now time for people to pursue their own path adding that he is presently focused on grassroots mobilization ahead of the 2022 General Election.

Ruto’s camp has been receiving politicians especially those from President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Mount Kenya turf.

Last week, Kiambu Woman Representative Gathoni Wamuchomba among other politicians from Mt. Kenya, ditched Uhuru’s camp for Ruto’s Tanga Tanga faction.

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