Members of the public beat up notorious cons who have been robbing innocent Kenyans in Nairobi CBD after police failed to act (PHOTO).


Monday, June 21, 2021 – Notorious cons who have been camping in busy streets in Nairobi Central Business District and conning passersby were earlier today beaten by members of the public and their vehicle vandalized.

The cons, who work with rogue police officers, disguise themselves as Safaricom agents and lure passersby with gifts.

They target the aged and those who appear as if they are fresh from the village.

Those who fall into their trap end up losing their hard-earned cash through sim swapping.

The cons have been operating freely since they work in cahoot with rogue police officers but their proverbial forty days reached today.

Here’s a photo of their car that was vandalized by irate members of the public.

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