MUTULA KILONZO Jr. says UHURU violated the constitution by refusing to promote six judges to the appellate court – Reveals the ‘untidy’ man misleading the president

 Friday, June 4, 2021 – Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jr. has joined other legal experts in attacking President Uhuru Kenyatta after he mutilated the constitution by appointing 34 judges to different courts in the Judiciary and rejecting six judges.

In a gazette notice, the President appointed 34 judges but left out six judges, including Justices George Odunga and Joel Ngugi, despite being approved by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

Reacting to the move, Mutula said the President broke the law but blamed Attorney General Paul Kihara for the embarrassing move.

“The refusal to promote Judges to the Court of appeal amounts to a veto on the powers of JSC. 

“They cannot act on the memo on the suitability of the said judges or rescind their decision. 

“Meanwhile, the Judges are presiding over matters this morning. 

“This is untidy Hon AG,” Mutula wrote on his Twitter page.

Mutula is a close ally of former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, who is yet to comment on the issue.

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