One Kenya Alliance in tatters as GIDEON MOI skips KALONZO, MUDAVADI and WETANGULA’s meetings – Are UHURU and RAILA responsible for this?


Wednesday, June 23, 2021 – One Kenya Alliance may be headed for implosion after leaders appeared to be reading from different scripts.

According to KANU Secretary General Nick Salat, his boss Gideon Moi has not been attending meetings organized by Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Musalia Mudavadi (ANC), and Moses Wetangula (Ford Kenya).

He alluded to his boss missing out on one of the meetings held yesterday at a city hotel and several other previous meetings. 

However, he played coy with Moi’s whereabouts but added that the Baringo Senator has so far failed to attend several other meetings. 

“He was handling a Senate committee matter,” Salat argued. 

A statement released by Wetangula, Mudavadi, and Musyoka yesterday was signed by the trio only as opposed to previous statements signed by all the four leaders. 

However, when reached for comment, Moi said he attended the meeting but left early, raising more questions on the unity of the four leaders. 

“Not at all, I was with them today and then left for another engagement,” Moi stated. 

Intrigues into the coalition detail that Wetangula, Mudavadi, and Musyoka want to field one candidate for the 2022 General Election, but would only do so once they leave the National Super Alliance (NASA). 

This comes even as the head of state asked the NASA co-principals, Raila Odinga (ODM leader) Wetangula, Kalonzo, and Mudavadi to join hands and support one candidate who will have his full support.

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