RAILA ODINGA is finished in LUO NYANZA as OKOTH OBADO declares he will vie for the presidency in 2022


Wednesday, June 30, 2021 – Migori Governor, Okoth Obado, has officially declared that he will vie for the presidency in 2022.

Speaking in an interview on Ramogi FM on Wednesday, Obado also announced that he had ditched Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party and will now vie for the top seat using the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) ticket.

“My exit from ODM is not in bad faith. I have taken a short break to strengthen the party that steered me to the governorship. It is the bus that ushered me into active politics and I’m back to end the journey that I started,” Obado said.

The Migori county boss also denied that his party has links with Deputy President William Ruto, saying he is alone and going for the top seat alone.

“There is no link between PDP and Ruto’s UDA. In fact, the party was coined recently after we had formed PDP…We have always been isolated in one cocoon and any attempt to break the barrier is met with reprisals. 

“Let them not politicize this issue of PDP, we are not at war with any party, we are only advocating for our agenda,” Mr. Obado noted, adding that PDP will also field candidates in other elective positions.

“PDP is not meant to divide the Luo community as alleged by some people. It is a party with a national outlook and I will be using it to vie for the presidency. 

“Having many parties is not a crime, let us unite and strengthen it.”

Mr. Obado expressed concern that though the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, the country’s first vice-president, fought hard to bring multiparty democracy, some people in the Nyanza region have not allowed democracy to thrive.

“We need to embrace changes as they come. It is absurd that despite Luos fighting for multipartism, some people have bluntly refused to accept democracy to thrive in the same region. If you try to come up with a party, you are called names and even branded as a mole,” he said.

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