Resign now and stop embarrassing yourself and the country – WILLY MUTUNGA now gives UHURU an easy way out of his mess

 Wednesday, June 9, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta is under pressure to resign following his continued violation of the Constitution.

From BBI, where 5 High Court Judges found him guilty of flaunting the Constitution by initiating the constitutional amendment process, to the rejection of the appointment of six judges on insubstantial grounds which law experts have said is a total disregard for the rule of law.

Former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga has added his voice, telling Uhuru to do the right thing and just resign for the sake of his office and the country.

He noted that resignation was an option for all public servants who did not follow the Constitution to the latter and that the president is the number one culprit.

“The Constitution donates to them, or finds the exercising of those powers annoyingly inconvenient, they have no business continuing to occupy those offices.”

“Resignation and early voluntary retirement are readily available options that the Constitution merrily provides, in order to protect itself from individuals who may find further fidelity to its edicts, a burdensome enterprise,” Mutunga stated.

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