ROBERT ALAI blasts former CJ MUTUNGA badly for attacking UHURU and labels him a ‘wash-wash’ Judge – LOOK!

 Wednesday, June 9, 2021 – Revered social media commentator and blogger, Robert Alai, has blasted Chief Justice Willy Mutunga for attacking President Uhuru Kenyatta.

On Tuesday, Mutunga, in a letter, accused the President of violating the constitution when he left out six judges when he elevated 34 judges to different courts in the Judiciary.

Mutunga said the president acted in bad faith since he did not present to the Judicial Service Commission(JSC)his alleged misgivings about the six judges before they were cleared.

The former CJ urged the President to appoint the six nominees whose names he has declined to gazette over alleged integrity questions.

“Nothing in the oath of the Office of the President says, I will obey and protect only those aspects of the constitution that I find convenient and self-fulfilling, so help me God,” Mutunga stated.

But in a fast rejoinder, Alai poured cold water on Mutunga’s letter terming him as a ‘wash wash judge’ who is now a useless human rights activist like his friend Boniface Mwangi.

“Mutunga is behaving like the unwise crook he mentors called Boniface Mwangi. 

“The former CJ has now created a fake office complete with a coat-of-arms. He is more of a wash-wash type of judge now. 

“What mandate does a non-existent office have to write to the President?,” Alai posted on his Twitter page.

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