RUTO crafts a genius strategy to frustrate the RAILA-UHURU alliance – Look! You won’t believe this


Thursday, June 24, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto is without a doubt the most shrewd and prolific politician in Kenya today.

Just when you think you have boxed him, he always finds a way to outsmart you and come up on top.

Recently, President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga announced plans to form a super coalition between Jubilee and ODM, ostensibly to give Ruto a run for his money in the 2022 General Election, but the DP has found a solution to them.

According to reports, Ruto is crafting key strategies in order to woo political figures from different regions in order to frustrate the looming alliance between Uhuru and Raila.

Among the strategies includes recruiting a key member of the National Super Alliance (NASA). 

It is also rumored that he may front former Agriculture Minister Mwangi Kiunjuri as his running mate to appease the Mt. Kenya region.

Further, the DP would create a chief minister slot that would allegedly be reserved for the Western region.

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