See how KIMANI NGUNJIRI shamed Inooro TV presenter, KAMAU KANGETHE, when asked about his differences with SUSAN KIHIKA – This is a hard tackle

 Thursday, June 10, 2021 – Bahati MP, Kimani Ngunjiri, on Thursday, shamed Inooro TV presenter, Kamau Kangethe, when he tried to ask him about his political differences with Nakuru Senator, Susan Kihika.

Kamau was seeking to know why there are emerging differences between Ngunjiri and Susan yet both of them align themselves with the Tangatanga faction which supports deputy president, William Ruto.

According to the journalist, the two senior politicians had already started to exchange bitter words on social platforms and he wanted Ngunjiri to clarify.

In his response, the Bahati MP refused to answer the question, saying that those were private issues that they will solve between themselves.

“Allow me not to answer that question. Susan is like my daughter. Our families have a deep history. 

“I’m the one who presided over her father’s burial. I helped Susan get the speaker seat. You even saw the role I played during her dowry ceremony. We shall solve our issues privately without dragging the public,” Kimani said.

The journalist was left with no option other than to skip the question and proceeded with the interview.

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