See the name of the Presidential candidate that Jubilee slay queen, PAULINE NJOROGE has endorsed in 2022


Friday, June 4, 2021 – Vocal digital media specialist, Pauline Njoroge, has finally revealed the name of the presidential candidate she will support for the presidency during the 2022 presidential election.

As it appears, the 2022 presidential bid is a two-horse race between Deputy President William Ruto and aging Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader, Raila Odinga.

Though the octogenarian is yet to declare his bid, his close aides say the old man will be vying for the presidency using the Orange party.

Commenting on Facebook on Thursday, Pauline, who is a Jubilee Party apologist, said she will support Raila Odinga‘s presidency in 2022.

“After reflecting on a few things that I have observed, I have made a decision to seriously consider voting for Raila Odinga if he will be on the ballot next year,” Pauline wrote on her Facebook page.

She said she made the decision after seeing how the old man had suffered during the fight for the second liberation, especially the fight against one-party state in the 1990s.

She also said Raila Odinga is a very forgiving person and he put the interests of Kenyans at heart.

“This guy has been in the trenches and suffered a number of tribulations. You’d expect him to be very bitter and vengeful, but that’s not the case. He is able to forgive and let go, putting Kenya first! 

“His people also have exhibited a great show of letting go, embracing and working with people who were almost sworn enemies in the past. 

“In leadership, this is a very important trait,” Pauline wrote.

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