Shock as it emerges that RUTO’s moles in Cabinet are just waiting for his signal to quit en masse – This will literally collapse UHURU’s government


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto is allegedly planning to collapse President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government after it emerged that he has planted moles inside the Cabinet that feeds him all the information that he needs to know.

According to sources, several cabinet secretaries, principal secretaries, chief administrative secretaries, and parastatal heads, aligned to Ruto, are planning to quit the government in a huff ostensibly to prepare for elective posts in the 2022 General Elections.

The exit move is likely to grind the government’s operations to a halt should the ministers quit at once.

According to them, holding their public offices is detrimental to their political interests given the unpopularity of Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration in their respective regions.

They are seen as traitors in the said regions as their opponents make inroads.

To them, continuous stay in government with no benefits such as brokering multi-billion tenders is a waste of time and political suicide.

They also believe that if they do not dissociate themselves with Uhuru, they will stand no chance in the elections as they will be blamed for all the ills bedeviling the government.

Further, some of the government officials want to mend fences with Ruto in good time since he is the man to beat in the presidential race in their respective regions. 

It is said the officials are ready and just wanting Ruto’s signal to hand in their resignation letters.

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