Start your own Opposition Party and leave me alone! RAILA now gives Ex-CJ DAVADI MARAGA last warning after he blamed him for UHURU’s mess

 Friday, June 11, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has warned Chief Justice emeritus David Maraga to leave him in peace and stop associating him with President Uhuru Kenyatta’s unbecoming behaviors.

Through his Spokesman Dennis Onyango, the ODM leader sent a stern warning to Maraga over his latest remarks attacking him indirectly.

During his hard-hitting interview on Wednesday, Maraga launched a scathing attack on Uhuru Kenyatta claiming he has failed to follow the Constitution because there is no Opposition in Kenya after the March 9th handshake with Raila Odinga.

However, Maraga’s remark was not taken lightly by Raila’s Orange Democratic Movement party, provoking the party officials to counter.

In response to Maraga’s diatribe against the Raila, Dennis Onyango informed him that if he feels there is no Opposition in the country, he can as well register his party and play the Opposition role of checking the government’s excesses.

“Still, he can start an opposition party if he thinks the ones in existence are not enough. Raila long opened the doors for any joker to start a party and the person is guaranteed he or she won’t be jailed,” ODM spokesman stated.

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