The wife of the Subaru man who was killed by unknown assailants along Thika Road knew he was a notorious gangster – Fresh details emerge.

 Friday, 25 June 2021 – When Susan Wangari was interviewed by a local daily on Wednesday, a day after her husband was killed in cold blood along Thika Road, she denied that he was a gangster.

Susan claimed that her deceased husband was a genuine car dealer amid social media reports that he was involved in serious crimes.

She went ahead and denied that he had pending court cases.

“Those are all lies. All along I have known my husband as a genuine businessman. 

“If there were any such cases, how could I have not known?” she posed during the interview.

However, it has emerged that Susan knew that her slain husband was a gangster and she was even arrested in 2015 as an accomplice after stolen goods worth millions were found in their house in Kiambu.

Susan’s husband, Daniel Gucoma, together with his gang members, had hijacked a lorry that was transporting laptops, clothes and mobile phones worth Sh 60 million while dressed in police uniform.

Some of the stolen goods worth millions were recovered at Daniel’s home in Kiambu County.

His wife and mother were arrested during the raid and charged in court.

Even as the slain man’s wife sheds crocodile tears, she was aware that her husband was a marked man for engaging in criminal activities.

Susan escaped death by a whisker when her husband was killed on Tuesday since he was supposed to pick her at Ruiru Bypass and go home together.

However, the assailants struck before she met her husband, thus escaping the cold-blood murder.

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