This is what will happen to Mt Kenya residents if they keep undermining UHURU – LOOK!


Saturday, June 26, 2021 – Flamboyant Nairobi lawyer, Donald Kipkorir, has warned Mt Kenya residents against undermining President Uhuru Kenyatta, saying they will pay a heavy price after the 2022 presidential election.

In a Twitter post on Friday, Kipkorir, who in legal circles is nicknamed ‘Slay King’ lawyer’ urged the Kikuyu community to start respecting the President since after 2022 they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

“One day, Kikuyu Nation will look back on how they were corrupted to undermine President Uhuru Kenyatta. 

“They will wish the hand of time was turned back,” lawyer Donald Kipkorir wrote on his social media page.

Kipkorir further said that in the Kikuyu nation “There shall be weeping & gnashing of teeth. There will be recriminations, remonstrations, and retributions. The day will come!”

Kipkorir is not the first leader to warn the people of the Mt Kenya region to stop the division brought forth by a section of leaders and speak in one voice.

Recently, Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya warned that if the Kikuyu Nation will not unite, then soon they will be headed to the opposition since they will have no place in the next government.

“We must unite together so that we can continue to be in the government. 

“As the Mt Kenya region leaders, we will not go to the opposition. But if we continue being divided that is the direction we are headed to,” Munya said.

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