This is why RAILA ODINGA’s online soldiers are baying for KTN presenter, SOPHIA WANUNA’s blood – DP RUTO will laugh


Friday, June 25, 2021 – KTN presenter, Sophia Wanuna, is being criticized by some Kenyans after she interviewed Deputy President William Ruto on Thursday evening.

During the interview held at DP Ruto‘s ‘hustler mansion’ in Karen, Wanuna asked DP some questions including his relationship with his boss, President Uhuru Kenyatta, his new party United Democratic Alliance and the Building Bridges Initiative(BBI).

Most of those opposed to the Deputy President‘s political ideology accused Wanuna of being too soft on Ruto.

They even dragged the name of former Citizen TV Presenter, Hussein Mohamed, claiming he was by far the best journalist who could corner DP Ruto to answer all the questions.

“We Miss Hussein Mohamed as an interviewer, this is the only man that can handle and corner the cunning and slippery William Ruto,” said one of Raila’s online soldiers identified as Anyamah Douglas.

Raila‘s supporters wanted the sultry presenter to ask Ruto the hard questions like his perennial land grabbing cases, the murder of a renowned businessman, Jacob Juma in 2015, and corruption cases like the Sh 39 billion military scandal by former Cabinet Secretary, Rashid Echesa, who is his close friend.

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