UHURU and RAILA will need real magic to work together in 2022 – KHALWALE incites Kenyans against Jubilee-ODM alliance


Wednesday, June 23, 2021 – Former Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale has condemned Jubilee’s planned merger with ODM, saying the coalition pact between the two parties is to enable ethnic mobilization, if successfully formed, ahead of 2022 elections.

Speaking during an interview, Khalwale, a strong ally to Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto, also said that the ongoing coalition talks between former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta’s men is likely to yield no fruits as it will require magic for ODM and Jubilee to strike a deal.

“Why I am saying it requires magic, is because the intention of that coalition is purely to enable people to achieve ethnic mobilization,” Boni Khalwale said.

He accused the president and the ODM leader of imposing leaders on Kenyans, stating that it is wrong for the two to sit on a high table and think that presidents can only come from certain families.

Khalwale was responding to Uhuru’s alleged plan to endorse Raila for president ahead of the much-awaited 2022 General Election.

This was after President Uhuru Kenyatta last week called upon the National Super Alliance principals to work together hinting at supporting one of them to succeed him in the 2022 presidential race.

However, ODM leader Raila Odinga has dismissed claims Uhuru would secure him leeway to the State House in the next year’s presidential election.

Raila, who is yet to declare his presidential ambitions, instead said that Uhuru does not have the power to choose his successor and only eligible Kenyans would decide through the ballot.

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