UHURU is a failure, I would have done better than him if I were the president – RUTO gives his verdict


Friday, June 25, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto has accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of endemic failures and wished he were the president.

Speaking during an interview yesterday, Ruto detailed a number of things he thinks Uhuru failed and which he would have done better had been the president.

First, Ruto said he would have solved the row between the Executive and the Judiciary by appointing the six judges Uhuru rejected to end the enmity.

“I would have appointed all of them. I think the people who are better versed in matters of law and constitution – the former Chief Justices Willy Mutunga and David Maraga – have said clearly that the right thing that should have happened was for all judges to be appointed and subsequently.”

“If there are integrity issues on any judge, then the normal process that involves a tribunal, and those judges being subjected to due process, should have been followed,” Ruto took a swipe at Uhuru. 

He added that the President was visibly disrespecting the Constitution. Ruto argued that obeying the law was paramount despite the office one held. 

“If we are to remain a sane, democratic country, we cannot afford not to respect court orders and the Constitution,” the DP stated.  

He also cautioned the President against implementing the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) in case the Court of Appeal overturned a High Court decision that declared the initiative null and void.

The DP lamented that Uhuru was bowing down to foreign pressure and demands and subjecting Kenya to loans.

He argued that he would not have adhered to stringent guidelines set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) before it issued the government Ksh255 billion loan. 

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