UHURU’s plot to block RUTO from campaigning for president outside Rift Valley exposed! Does he fear the DP this much?

 Friday, June 11, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta is now plotting to restrict Deputy President William Ruto’s movements ahead of the 2022 General Election.

This was revealed by the DP’s allies who lamented over what they perceive as a plan to prevent the DP’s presidential campaigns from going beyond his Rift Valley backyard.

Led by UDA party chairman Johnstone Muthama and Nandi Senator Samsom Cheregei, the Tanga Tanga leaders took issue with the manner in which police are systematically frustrating UDA meetings happening outside Rift Valley.

“There is myopic, undemocratic thinking in Kenya of taking us back to the era of regional kingpins confined to the region they come from, and their small, village parties.”

“This attempt to disrupt UDA meetings will fail,” Cherergei stated.

This came just days after police dispersed several UDA rallies held outside Ruto’s stronghold in which the men in blue were reported to have lobbed tear gas canisters and fired in the air to disperse UDA’s meeting.

UDA chairman Johnson Muthama, who was part of the Coast meeting that was disrupted last week, said the government was applying ‘dictatorial tactics’ in dealing with the DP’s allies.

“Politicians seen to be leaning towards the government are given a free hand to hold rallies, no social distance and no masks,

“But those allied to the DP meet in town halls with their aspirants, the government wakes up, and realizes that COVID-19 is still there,” Muthama lamented.

Even though Uhuru banned all political gatherings in the country due to Covid-19, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga was seen holding a political rally in Kisumu a few days prior to Madaraka Day fete without any police interruption; something that caught the attention of Ruto’s camp, claiming the government was applying double standards.

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