You are on your own now! RAILA dumps the Opposition and leaves Kenyans at the mercy of dictator UHURU – This may not end well for the country


Friday, June 11, 2021 – It appears Raila Odinga has abandoned Kenyans at the mercy of President Uhuru Kenyatta.

This is after he indicated that he was done with putting President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Government in check.

Through his Spokesman Dennis Onyango, Raila indicated that he is no longer interested in doing unrewarding and thankless jobs of keeping the government on its toes, noting that the doors are open for anyone who feels he is interested in the opposition role.

Onyango was responding to former Chief Justice David Maraga who indirectly attacked Raila for not doing his job as Opposition leader, leaving President Uhuru Kenyatta to mutilate the Constitution with reckless abandon.

“Still, he can start an opposition party if he thinks the ones in existence are not enough.”

“Raila long opened the doors for any joker to start a party and the person is guaranteed he or she won’t be jailed,” ODM Spokesman stated.

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