Alarm raised over a mysterious woman moving around Kasarani and Zimmerman luring kids with goodies – She is a notorious kidnapper.

 Tuesday, July 13, 2021 – Parents in Kasarani and Zimmerman are living in fear over the rising cases of child kidnapping in the areas.

According to concerned parents, there is a mysterious woman who is moving around the two estates luring kids with goodies before kidnapping them.

12-year-old Stacey Wambui was kidnapped by the mysterious woman last month on June 24 when she went to dispose of garbage.

Luckily, she was found safe and sound almost a week later.

She was spotted at around 9 pm abandoned in Githurai by a Good Samaritan who took her to a nearby police station.

The girl was reportedly lured away by the woman, who bought her a meal before she later found herself in a lodging in Githurai 45, where a Good Samaritan rescued her.

The mysterious woman also kidnapped a 14-year-old boy on June 5 in the same estate.

The boy is still missing to date.

Kasarani Sub-County Police Commander, Peter Mwanzo, confirmed that he has received reports concerning the notorious woman behind kidnappings in Kasarani and Zimmerman and said investigations are underway.

Two suspects – a man and a woman – believed to be part of the kidnapping gang, are already in custody at Kasarani police station.

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