All those counting on my endorsement will be disappointed because I will not do such a thing – KALONZO now upsets many ahead of 2022

 Wednesday, July 7, 2021 – Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has opened up on being betrayed while at the same time sending a tough warning to Ukambani politicians who are counting on his endorsement to win the 2022 General Election. 

Speaking in Machakos County, Kalonzo specifically pinpointed Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana and Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua, who shifted their loyalty after getting into power.

He stated that he sealed a deal with Kibwana who eventually clinched the Makueni Gubernatorial seat only for him to betray the Wiper party.

“This time around I will not be partisan to any particular candidates as I did before,” Kalonzo stated.

He has also pointed at Mutua who started rebelling against him after the 2013 gubernatorial elections.

Mutua ditched Wiper Party to form Maendeleo Chap Chap which he successfully used to clinch his second term.

“I, therefore, advise those intending to cling on my coat to capture the seat to forget because I want to remain neutral,” Kalonzo told Machakos residents

He noted that he would not endorse any candidate in the upcoming general election.

Kalonzo’s sentiments come even as he seeks to cement his 2022 presidential bid.

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