Beta Male: DADDY OWEN reveals why he still wears his wedding ring even after his hot Kikuyu wife dumped him for a tycoon

 Monday, 05 July 2021 – Gospel singer Owen Mwatia alias Daddy Owen, has opened up on his failed marriage with Farida Wambui.

Owen got married to Farida in 2016 in a colorful wedding that was the talk of the town, only for their publicized marriage to crumble after 4 years.

Trouble started last year after his wife walked out of their matrimonial home.

He later discovered that she had eloped with a tycoon.

The husky-voiced singer had a candid interview on Churchill Show’s Journey Edition where he revealed why he still wears his wedding ring even after parting ways with his wife.

Owen said he never shies off from challenges and the ring reminds him of the most difficult time in his life.

Owen further said he chose to keep the ring because it is a symbol of the covenant between him and God. 

He believes marriages are united by God and it is not just human commitment.

“I decided to stay with it because as a man, I never shy off from challenges or issues. 

“I’m like a bull, I’ll face it head-on. The ring reminds me of the most difficult time in my life.

“The ring is also a symbol of the covenant between me and God,” he said.

Owen further revealed that he has managed to heal and move on after his wife left him.

“I took everything the way it came, and I said I’ll neither run away nor shy off. What happened, happened, but I’ll remain true to who I am,” he added.

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