Big blow to RAILA ODINGA as ODM MP, WILSON SOSSION, hints at joining RUTO – See how he praised him


Wednesday, July 14, 2021 – Nominated Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) MP, Wilson Sossion, has become the latest opposition lawmaker to hint that he is ditching the Orange party for Deputy President William Ruto’s hustler movement.

In an interview with Emoo FM on Wednesday, Sossion, who is also a former Kenya National Union of Teachers(KNUT) Secretary-General, indicated that his body may be in ODM but his heart is in the hustler nation.

During the interview, Sossion showered Ruto with praise and indicated that there is a very high possibility that the DP could be the fifth President of Kenya.

“Ruto is a serious presidential candidate with support across the country. 

“His candidature cannot be ignored and anthropologically Rift Valley ought to rally behind their own,” Sossion stated.

“Hustler narrative means addressing the needs of the down-trodden. 

“Ruto has managed to sell this narrative very well and it has resonated well,” Sossion added.

He also said he is ready to join any political formation except the ruling Jubilee Coalition.

“I am ready to join any political party and alliance except Jubilee,” Sossion said.

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