Big blow to UHURU and RAILA as Court of Appeal announces the day it will make BBI ruling – There will be no Referendum before 2022 poll


Saturday, July 3, 2021 – Court of Appeal President, Daniel Musinga, has announced the date the appellate court will make the ruling on the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) case.

The hearing of the BBI case commenced on Tuesday this week and ended on Friday.

Musinga said the Seven Judge bench will need 50 days to make a ruling.

The August 2022 General Election is fast approaching and election experts have warned that the plebiscite is no longer tenable.

Prof Githu Muigai, on Friday, pleaded with the court to give an early date because of the timelines IEBC has.

However, Justice Musinga said they will not change the date.

Justice Musinga will retreat with his colleagues Justices Hannah Okwengu, Patrick Kiage, Fatuma Sichale, Gatembu Kairu, Roselyne Nambuye, and Francis Tuyyoit.

Justice Musinga thanked all the parties who have been in court battling out since Tuesday this week seeking to persuade the court to rule in their favour.

The case has over 20 active parties who have each filed submissions and a list of authorities that the judges have to go through.

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