Bury me in a wedding gown! Details of CAROLINE KANGOGO’s suicide note emerge as detectives try to piece everything together


Friday, July 16, 2021 – As police continue to piece together information regarding the untimely death of fugitive police officer Caroline Kangogo, who reportedly killed herself yesterday, details of her suicide note have emerged.

According to sources, Kangogo, who was on the run for killing two men until her body was discovered at her parents’ home with a bullet wound, instructed her parents on what to do with her body.

Detectives at the scene of the crime found the message saved as a draft in her kabambe (mulika mwizi) phone she was using to avoid being tracked by the DCI Crime Research & Intelligence Bureau. 

Sources privy to the developments at Kangogo’s parents’ home in Anin, Elgeyo Marakwet County alleged that the deceased wished to be buried in her wedding dress.

In the suicide note, Kangogo urged her parents to inter her at their home rather than at her husband’s home in Kericho as the two had differed on undisclosed matters.  

“She knew that her end neared and wrote the message, narrating the intrigues into her case,” stated one of the insiders.

A police officer at the scene shared the contents of the suicide note anonymously.

Kangogo also lamented that her OCS back in Nakuru allegedly sexually harassed her.

However, she did not explain whether she filed a complaint with the Internal Affairs Unit (IAU). 

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