Coward hiding behind a keyboard: See VIDEO of notorious Facebook bully, MAXWELL ODONGO, begging for mercy in a cell after being arrested for defaming a lady.


Saturday, July 3, 2021 – Infamous Facebook bully, Maxwell Odongo, was arrested on Friday after he defamed a lady identified as Yvonne Achieng.

Maxwell had bragged how he chewed Yvonne in a guest room and recorded videos, which he threatened to release.

Yvonne reported the matter to the police, leading to the arrest of the notorious playboy and online bully.

Although Maxwell pretends to be a bad boy on Facebook, where he has a huge following, he is just another coward hiding behind a keyboard.

He was recorded crying and begging for mercy after he was arrested and taken to Kilimani police station.

He was begging the lady that he had defamed to forgive him.

He further shed tears and claimed that he has a life-threatening disease that needs urgent medication.

Netizens have been trolling Maxwell Odongo after watching the video since he pretends to be rich, well-connected, and untouchable.

He was later released on police bond.

Here’s a video of the Facebook bully begging for mercy.

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