CYPRIAN NYAKUNDI reveals why UHURU opened six hospitals in Nairobi at night – This is a big shame to the Son of Jomo


Wednesday, July 7, 2021 – Controversial blogger, Cyprian Nyakundi, has revealed the main reason why President Uhuru Kenyatta opened six hospitals in Nairobi County on Tuesday night.

During the ‘night operation’, Uhuru who was accompanied by Nairobi Metropolitan Service (NMS) Director-General, Mohamed Badi, opened two level 2 hospitals at Gichagi in Kangemi and Gatina in Kawangware as well as level 3 hospitals in Mukuru Kwa Rueben, Tassia Kwa Ndege and Our Lady of Nazareth in Mukuru Kwa Njenga.

When opening the hospitals, Uhuru ordered all public hospitals in Nairobi to offer 24-hour services to ensure city residents access health services whenever they need them.

Commenting about the opening of the hospitals at night, Nyakundi said the Head of State opened the facilities at night because they had no equipment, drugs, and medical personnel.

He said the Head of State was just performing a public relations stunt by opening the facilities.

Uhuru is launching small dispensaries at night because they have no equipment, medical personnel and drugs. 

“He’s just launching empty buildings and promoting paint companies. He loves silly PR stunts,” Nyakundi wrote on his social media page.

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