Detectives reveal how CAROLINE KAGONGO is concealing her identity after she lured another man to a lodging in Juja and killed him.


Wednesday, 07 July 2021 – Rogue cop Caroline Kagongo murdered another man suspected to be her lover yesterday after luring him to a lodging in Kimbo, Juja area yesterday.

According to DCI, Caroline lured the man to a room at Dedamax Hotel and went ahead to pay for it, before shooting him on the head at point-blank.

She later emerged from the room at midnight and fled to an unknown destination, leaving the dead man’s body sprawled on the bed.

DCI cautioned members of the public especially men to be on the lookout for the rogue officer, who is luring men to her trap before killing them.

The rogue cop, who is suspected to be mentally unstable, is wearing a buibui to hide her identity.

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