DP RUTO will get 99 percent of the Mt Kenya vote if UHURU’s Jubilee joins RAILA ODINGA’s ODM – KANG’ATA says


Tuesday, July 6, 2021 – Murang’a County Senator, Irungu Kang’ata, has once again made a prediction that may put him into crosshairs with President Uhuru Kenyatta and the revered ‘deep state’

 On Tuesday, Kang’ata, who was having an interview with one of the local publications, spoke about the looming Jubilee – ODM merger, saying this is good news to Deputy President William Ruto since no Mt Kenya resident can support anything associated with the Orange party.

Uhuru, who is the leader of the Jubilee Party, and Raila Odinga, who is the head of the ODM party are planning to merge the two parties and then revive the moribund National Super Alliance (NASA) to use it as their political vehicle in the 2022 presidential poll.

However, Kang’ata said this would be a blessing in disguise to Ruto since no Mt Kenya resident can support Raila or anything to do with NASA.

Kang’ata said if the Jubilee Party allies with ODM, DP Ruto will get 99 percent of Mt Kenya votes.

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