Drama as a renowned businessman shoots a middle-aged Kalenjin lady on suspicion that she was the wanted killer cop, CAROLINE KANGOGO.


Friday, 09 July 2021 – Phanice Chemutai, a middle-aged Kalenjin lady, is nursing gunshot injuries after being shot in an alleged case of mistaken identity.

According to a police report, the victim was shot in the abdomen by Ken Muyundo, a licensed firearm holder and a renowned businessman in Kitale, yesterday evening.

Muyundo told police that Chemutai had been calling him and pestering him to meet her at Kiminini Market in Trans Nzoia County, although they were not familiar with each other and had never met before.

Fearing for his life since rogue cop Caroline Kangogo is on a killing spree, he reported at Kitale police station that he had received persistent calls from an unknown woman who requested him to meet her at the popular Kitale Market.

The OCS assigned him some cops and they went to the market to lay a trap for the mysterious woman.

Muyundo pulled out his pistol and fired to scare the woman when she turned up at the market, injuring her in the abdomen.

It is not clear how far the police officers were at the time of the shooting, but it was reported that the woman was soon arrested and interrogated.

After the dramatic shooting, the businessman defended himself, saying that he suspected Chemutai was the wanted killer cop Caroline Kangogo.

When Chemutai was interrogated by the police, she said that she had met Muyundo before and that they exchanged phone contacts and hence was just calling to check on him.

The businessman will be arraigned in court over the shooting.

Chemutai is receiving treatment at the Kitale County Referral Hospital where she is in stable condition.

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