Dumping NASA is the best thing RAILA ODINGA has done – MOSES KURIA says and claims KALONZO, MUDAVADI, and WETANGULA were ticks

 Friday, July 30, 2021 – Gatundu South Member of Parliament, Moses Kuria, has reacted to the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party’s announcement that it had officially left the National Super Alliance (NASA).

In a Facebook post on Thursday, Kuria said leaving the coalition is the best decision ODM party leader Raila Odinga has made.

Kuria stated that the other NASA coalition partners – Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi, and Moses Wetangula – only rode on Raila’s political influence.

“The best decision my friend Baba has ever made is to get out of NASA. You carry people on your back. 

“They ride on your votes, your energy, your money.”

“They scratch your neck. And they go all over town saying they should be the Presidential Candidate because you are unelectable,” Kuria said.

The legislator’s remarks came after the Orange party announced that it had resolved to exit NASA.

ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna announced after a National Executive Council (NEC) meeting chaired by Raila.

“We still hold that NASA is the past. To further demonstrate this point, the NEC of ODM has today resolved to formally exit the NASA coalition,” Sifuna said.

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