I tried taking a concoction of pills to commit suicide and ended up in the ICU – Radio presenter, TINA KAGIA, opens up on her battle with depression.


Thursday, July 1, 2021 – Former Classic 105 presenter, Tina Kagia, has revealed that she once attempted suicide after falling into depression.

Speaking in an interview, the talented radio presenter narrated how depression messed up her life despite having fame and money.

 When she was battling depression, she would sleep all day and did not want any human contact.

She also turned into an alcoholic.

“I did not know I was depressed until I started getting such comments from people close to me.

I hated music and I am a music junkie. Music was annoying me. I was also in hoodies and shades. I would also have headphones all the time yet I wasn’t listening to anything.

I would sleep and did not want any human contact. At that point, you do not care about anything, I did not want anyone talking to me and trying to get into my head and asking if I am okay.

There was a time I was out somewhere having lunch with some friends and I had a really bad meltdown” she said.

Kagia went on to reveal that she once attempted suicide by taking a concoction of pills.

The suicide attempt flopped and left her admitted to the ICU for 9 days.

Later on, she decided to seek help by checking herself into a facility that offered counseling services.

The seasoned radio presenter said that she fell into depression because of the pressure that is associated with celebrity life.

“We (media personalities) are easy targets, you can’t have a bad day, you have to look happy and that compounded a lot in me getting depressed,’’ she said.

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