IG MUTYAMBAI gives police more powers as he tells them to ensure everybody adheres to COVID-19 containment measures – LOOK!

 Friday, July 30, 2021 – Inspector-General of Police, Hillary Mutyambai, has given police more powers in enforcing the Ministry of Health Covid-19 containment measures.

For the last two weeks, COVID-19 cases have been increasing and this has forced the government to come up with more containment measures to curb the spread.

Speaking on Friday, at Harambee House, Mutyambai directed all police commanders to ensure that directives issued by Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe are followed to the letter.

Additionally, Mutahi noted that it was his sole job to ensure that all protocols are followed accordingly.

Sounding a warning that the country was on the brink of a fourth wave, Kagwe prohibited all political gatherings countrywide.

“All the protocols CS Mutahi Kagwe has highlighted, the National Police Service (NPS) is to enforce all the protocols. In that regard, I give instructions to officers with effect from today that all protocols to be enforced and measures stepped up.

“There will be no public gathering and political rallies and we are not going to have a discussion on that matter. Officers take instruction on this including commanders. Those meetings have already been prohibited,” Mutyambai stated.

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