Judges CHITEMBWE and MUCHELULE had Sh 6 million in cash in their chambers – DCI GEORGE KINOTI reveals how the two judges are corrupt!

 Thursday, July 29, 2021 – The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has defended its move to arrest two High Court Judges last week.

In an affidavit filed in court, DCI, through Chief Inspector Felix Banzi, said they recovered Sh 5.3 million from an unidentified woman in Justice Aggrey Muchelule’s chambers and a further Sh 700,000 from Justice Said Chitembwe.

However, in an inventory filed in court last week by lawyer Dunstan Omari that was signed by all the officers present, nothing was recovered from Justice Muchelule’s chambers.

In the case, Kenya Judges and Magistrates Association (KJMA) successfully obtained orders last Friday barring the police from arresting the two judges pending hearing and determination of the case.

In their response, the DCI has denied ever arresting the two judges, saying they were only requested to accompany the police to DCI headquarters for purposes of recording statements to assist in investigations.

Banzi said George Kinoti‘s led agency stormed the offices of the two judges after they received a tip-off that some brokers had approached select judges with a view of procuring favourable judgments.

“On July 21 at around 3 pm, I was told by one of the complainants that after a series of meetings between certain judges and brokers a figure of Sh7 million was arrived at and the bribe was to be delivered to the residence of a judge at 7 pm,”.

“We waited around the relevant meeting area from our time of arrival until 2 pm when information was received that the exchange was about to take place but at chamber 230 which belongs to Justice Muchelule,” Banzi stated in the affidavit.

Banzi claimed that the meeting was being facilitated by Justice Chitembwe.

So they proceeded to the chamber and upon search, they recovered the money.

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