KARMA: The man murdered by CAROLINE KANGOGO in a lodging helped her to escape from Nakuru after she committed the first murder – Details emerge.

 Thursday, July 8, 2021 – Detectives have established that Peter Njiru, the young businessman whose body was found in a lodging, helped killer cop Caroline Kagongo to escape from Nakuru when she committed the first murder.

Detectives believe Njiru may have been present when Ogweno was killed by Kagongo on Sunday.

He is believed to be the mysterious man who walked into Kagongo’s house when she was having dinner with Ogweno and then walked out to avoid confrontation.

According to sleuths, Njiru helped Caroline escape that night that she killed Ogweno using his vehicle.

Njiru was a frequent visitor to Caroline’s house at police quarters in Nakuru.

On the fateful day that he was shot dead by Caroline, they had spent the day having drinks at Jogoo Kimakia Hotel in Thika and then went to a lodging where she shot him in the head.

She then escaped after committing the murder.

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