Majority of Kenyans believe RAILA ODINGA is pushing the BBI to propel him to the presidency in 2022 – Not to unite Kenyans


Thursday, July 1, 2021 – A new opinion poll conducted by TIFA shows that the majority of Kenyans believe that former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is pushing the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) to increase his chances of being President in 2022.

The poll released on Thursday indicates that 50 percent of the population believe he is supporting the initiative to increase his chances of succeeding President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2022.

The research was done on 1,500 respondents from June 24 to 28, 2021. The study had a margin error of +/- 2.53 percent.

In the poll, 13 percent said he is pushing the document to unify Kenyans, while 3 percent said he wants to fix or correct certain errors in the Constitution.

30 percent of the respondents were not sure of why Jakom is pushing the BBI.

Raila Odinga is on record saying he will declare his presidential bid once the BBI bill is passed by Kenyans in a referendum.

However, with BBI being at the mercy of the Court of Appeal, Raila has revealed the formation of a heavy political machine that will sweep the country in 2022.

The formation, which he said will transform into a “tsunami”, will sweep the country in next year’s general election.

“There is a strong wind coming. It is heavy. It will turn into a tsunami. That is why I want our people to know that we know where we are going.”

“We want our people to know that the machine we are making is a heavy one. You see others chest-thumping, they are passing wind,” Raila said in Siaya County last weekend during the burial of former Gem MP, Jakoyo Midiwo.

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