Migori Governor OKOTH OBADO denounces RUTO and reveals he never joined him or even his UDA party


Thursday, July 1, 2021 – Embattled Migori Governor, Okoth Obado, has denied ever joining Deputy President William Ruto or even his UDA Party.

This follows allegations that Obado had switched to Ruto’s camp after meeting the DP’s brother, David Ruto, on June 9.

Speaking during an interview yesterday, Obado, who ditched ODM to revive the People Democratic Party (PDP), denied the allegations, saying he is preparing to run for president in 2022 just like Ruto.

He noted that his PDP party is preparing to field candidates in all elective posts come 2022 and that it has not folded to join Ruto’s UDA.

“There is no link between PDP and Ruto’s UDA.”

“In fact, the party was coined recently after we had formed PDP…We have always been isolated in one cocoon and any attempt to break the barrier is met with reprisals.”

“Let them not politicize this issue of PDP, we are not at war with any party, we are only advocating for our agenda,” he argued.

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