Mimi nina pesa, hizi ni pesa za show moja – ERIC OMONDI flaunts Sh 3 Million in cash after EZEKIEL MUTUA called him broke and poor (VIDEO).

 Saturday, 17 July 2021 – Eric Omondi has hit back at Kenya Film Classification Board CEO Ezekiel Mutua by flaunting Ksh 3 Million in cash after he called him broke and poor.

Mutua had accused Eric Omondi of faking a lavish lifestyle on social media and alleged that he cannot afford to dish out even a 100 bob to the needy.

His remarks agitated the former Churchill Show comedian and forced him to flaunt a wad of notes spread on the bed and floor of a room to prove that he is not broke as alleged.

He alleged that the notes, which were in Tanzanian currency, amounted to Ksh 3 Million.

The self-declared President of Comedy in Africa claimed that he was paid the money after performing in a show in Tanzania.

“Ezekiel Mutua, this is how Ksh3 million looks like. Nimesikia umesema wasanii ni maskini, nimesikia umesema talanta hailipi, nimesikia umesema wasanii ni omba omba; ni beggars (I have heard you have said artists are poor, I have heard that you said talent does not pay, I have heard you said artists are just mere beggars),” he ranted in the video that he shared on his Instagram page.

“This is genuine sweat and blood, genuine God-given talent. 

“You will not discourage our young generation of talents; you will not discourage our brothers and sisters; talent pays in this age,” he added.

Here’s the video.

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