Mt Kenya MP reveals what awaits DP RUTO with his billions in 2022 – You can only rent a Kikuyu!


Tuesday, July 6, 2021 – An outspoken Kieleweke MP from the Mt Kenya region has urged Deputy President William Ruto to tread carefully with Mt Kenya region because they speak with one voice when it comes to important matters like a general election.

In an interview with Kameme FM on Tuesday, Limuru MP, Peter Mwathi, said those Mt Kenya MPs lying to Ruto that he has support on the ground will betray him at the last minute.

“The Mount Kenya Leaders supporting and following DP Ruto everywhere he goes like house flies. They will soon betray him, ” Mwathi said.

Mwathi further stated the Mt Kenya electorate makes decisions and decides on their own but when it comes to matters dealing with politics and issues affecting the community they all speak the same language and unite.

“We as Mount Kenya Region have the freedom of making our own decisions. 

“But when it comes to Community Issues and National Politics, we always gather our heads together and speak the same language. They can do anything to please him, but behind the scenes, things are totally different,” he said.

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