MUTULA KILONZO Jr. says the 2022 presidential election is a two-horse race between RAILA and RUTO as he classifies KALONZO as ‘others’


Wednesday, July 28, 2021 – Wiper Democratic Movement Vice-chairman, Mutula Kilonzo Jr., has shocked party supporters after saying that the 2022 presidential race is a two-horse race between former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto.

Despite his boss, Kalonzo Musyoka, vying for the top seat, Mutula, who is also Makueni Senator, said the 2022 presidential duel is quickly turning out to be a race between Raila and Ruto.

Mutula further noted that nothing much has changed in the political arena since the parties have just metamorphosized from their old self to appear fresh in the minds of Kenyans.

The Jubilee tuko pamoja has served its term and it has expired. UDA is a sister to Jubilee. It has just metamorphosized from red to yellow, the same people now talking about a different thing from stadiums to tutatenga pesa, so we are going to provide a hundred thousand jobs now we are going to change the economy. 

“I mean what are you talking about? What do these people think we are?

For us, it is a change because for a long time we have been led differently. 

“We have just changed out t-shirts and said we have come differently to the public. So it is no longer Raila vs Ruto. No, it is Raila, Ruto and others,” Mutula stated.

The senator’s sentiments were seen as a direct attack on Kalonzo after bundling him in the “others zone” despite Kalonzo exuding confidence that he will win the forthcoming general election.

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