My friends tried to poison me – Socialite BRIDGET ACHIENG makes a shocking confession and reveals how she escaped death by a whisker.

 Thursday, 15 July 2021 – Kenyan socialite Bridget Achieng has disclosed that some of her jealous friends tried to poison her earlier this year but she miraculously survived.

When the poisoning attempt failed, they went ahead and leaked edited videos and photos to body shame her and made her a subject of discussion on social media.

Bridget, who is in Turkey to celebrate her birthday, said that she has a lot to thank God for as she turns 32 years old.

“I have a lot of things I’m battling in life but this part of the week remaining I want to use it to glorify God, so-called friends poisoned me. When it didn’t work, they circulated edit videos and pictures,” she wrote.

Without mentioning names, Bridget said that some of her friends meet secretly to plan how they will bring her down.

However, she stated that she is just living her life and not competing with anyone.

“And as if that was not enough, they have used their social media and any sitting they find to make me their full-time job, what an important person I am ….still here still fighting and living this life, I’m not in a competition with anyone just running my race, proudly turning 32 imperfectly.  

“I never said I was a model anywhere, neither did I ever say I’m perfect, it’s my prayer that as women we use any avenue God has given us to lift ourselves and make a better tomorrow.

“To all women and men battling something in private you can’t talk about, may God almighty answer all your secret prayers and wipe your tears love you Guys,” she added.

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