My man has to shower daily, change boxers every day, and do manicure – Kenyan slay queen demands on live TV (VIDEO).


Thursday, July 8, 2021 – A Kenyan slay queen has advised men to observe their hygiene and put it clear that she can’t tolerate an unhygienic man.

 Speaking in a live interview on TV47, where issues do with men hygiene were being discussed, the straight-shooting lady identified as Sharon Archie, said that she expects her man to take a shower at least once a day, and besides that, he should change his boxers every day and do manicure once in a while.

”As my man, he will take at least one shower a day, he has to change boxers every day. My man should have manicure once in a while…” she said.

Sharon said that she was perplexed recently after a man came out and said that he changes his boxers after every 3 days and if they don’t stink, he continues wearing them for another two days.

Sharon said that although her sentiments may be perceived as being too feminist, men have no choice but to observe their hygiene.

Her sentiments sparked reactions among men on social media.

‘We won’t be intimidated into bathing, we can’t be forced to take a shower, scientists are busy trying to find another way of bathing without necessarily using water, ” one of the men commented.

“A man should bathe at most once per week as recommended by Albert Einstein,” another man added.

Watch a video of the lady speaking her mind during an interview on TV47.

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