New twist as it emerges that PETER NDIGWA had swindled killer cop, CAROLINE KANGOGO, some money – Is this why she lured him to a lodging and murdered him?

 Friday, 09 July 2021 – Detectives have established that deceased businessman Peter Ndigwa had swindled killer cop Caroline Kangogo some good amount of money through a car sale deal.

According to sleuths involved in the investigations surrounding the cold-blood murder of the youthful businessman, Ndigwa sold the fugitive cop a motor vehicle with suspicious papers.

She reportedly demanded her money back but Ndigwa turned her down.

Detectives are investigating whether Kangogo murdered Ndigwa because of the deal that turned sour.

“It is a theory were are pursuing. We have found leads that we deem worth pursuing,” a detective conversant with the investigations said.

Kangogo lured Ndigwa to a lodging on Monday, where she shot him in the head before escaping in the middle of the night.

Interestingly, it has also emerged that Ndigwa helped the killer cop to escape using his car on the day she killed Constable John Ogweno in Nakuru.

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